Butterfly Observations

To add a fact:    click on the green space and add a new note
use my "notes" / questions in orange to help you answer the questions on your own note.
Email or tweet me @nnevieri if you have any questions / concerns
Add your fact and enter your name next to it.
Try not to repeat any facts. You are welcomed to add more than one!
We will look at our facts Thursday & Friday together as a class.


  1. Rylee
    My Butterflies are named Skyla, and Maya. Skyla is starting to make a chrysalis, or cocoon. When the caterpillar is fully grown, it makes a button of silk which it uses to fasten its body to a milkweed leaf, or a twig. Then the caterpillar’s skin comes off for the last time. Under its old skin is a hard skin called a CHRYSALIS.

  2. Skippers are the fastest butterflies in the world. They can fly up to 37 miles per hour. Most butterflies travel at 5 to12 miles per hour.

  3. Mason
    The Chrysalis
    The monarchs chrysalis starts off blue-green then over time it turns black-brown and you can see through it.
